Light Bulb

By: didi0014

Apr 02 2010

Category: The Lightbulb

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The world changed significantly in 1878 when Sir Joseph Wilson Swan became the first person to invent a practical and longer-lasting electric light bulb: the incandescent light bulb. Not only were people able to extend their day later into the night, but another everyday convenience was made possible to the people. Thomas Edison is also credited as an inventor of the light bulb, but he took his invention and made it more into a business. At one point in time, Swan and Edison joined together and made the Edison and Swan United Company. In 1878 Edison founded the Edison Electric Light Company. In later years, he would own many power companies, making competition difficult in the ever-growing electric light industry. The main competitors in this industry were Edison and George Westinghouse. Throughout his years in the electric light industry, Edison’s company went through a few name changes. In 1892 the name was changed to General Electric Co. Even today, the biggest companies in the light bulb industry are General Electric and Westinghouse. Edison was joined by many other inventors in the race to invent the light bulb. Many inventors tried and failed, eventually giving up and going on to make other inventions.

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